Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Three Greatest Autos of All Time

I've done it. I have collected what is probably the sweetest and bestest auto triumvirate of all time. You may be thinking about Ty Cobb or Babe Ruth or some other non-Red Charlatan. No sir. I have completed a troika to end all troikas. 

Corky. Gookie. Pokey. Boom.

The Miller I've had for a bit. Same with the Dawkins. The Reese came last week via TTM. I should note that I have a Gookie TTM also, but I foolishly got it on a card that said 'Travis' instead of 'Gookie'. Just, just an amateur move on my part.

I think I'm gonna have to nab a Noochie Varner now to bring this up to a foursome.

Go Reds.

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