Monday, November 23, 2015

Best Binder Page

The Junior Junkie told us all to produce our best binder page. Thus it is commanded. Thus it shall be done.

I should mention that I didn't want to take these cards out of their screw-downs again, so I used old scans and my most-excellent MS Paint skillz to create a faux page. Deal with it.

Boom. My all-nicotine page. Left to right, top to bottom: Ed Karger, Tom Downey, Tom Downey again, Art Fromme, Dick Egan, Dick Hoblitzell, Mike Mowrey, Hans Lobert, Jean Dubuc. Do I really need to explain each choice? No sir, I do not.

Go Reds.

1 comment:

  1. MS Paint FTW! I did the same thing with a few of the cards on my page as well as all the scans other bloggers have been sending me.
