Chris over at Nachos Grande is a fellow Redlegger (check his url), fellow Larkin-lover, and fellow card addict. A perfect storm for a swap. Some quality Red goodness came my way, and a big ol' stack of Barrys went his. Shall we?
I was missing two cards from the 2011 Gypsy Queen Reds set. The Chapman RC and the Bruce short print. Was. Boom.
A sweet insert from 2011 Topps Lineage, a throwback to 1964 Topps Stand-Ups. Must...not...punch...out..
2001 Topps HD came and went pretty quickly. They're still nice photos, thick stock, and big names. And any Griffey is a good Griffey, of course.
A couple sweet parallels. Tom Terrific 2011 Lineage Refractor. Drew Stubbs 2012 Allen & Ginter Mini.
We'll close it up with simultaneously my favorite card of the lot and the most frustrating. 2012 Allen & Ginter N43 Johnny Bench. A sweet throwback to an Allen & Ginter release of 1888. All the way down to the size: 4" x 3". Very cool, but won't fit in my pages. Life is just so hard sometimes.
Great stuff, Chris. Go Reds.