Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Crowdfunding A Box Break Site

Alrighty, kids. I've decided to try my hand at running a box break site. The domain is still in its testing stage, but you can check out what I've got going on here...

I'm still in the very early stages of planning, but I'm offering my blog pals a ground-floor sale in an attempt to generate some early funding in order to get things moving.

Two options for you, if you so desire:

1. 20% off all purchases for an entire year + Gifts - $100

2. 10% off all purchases for an entire year - $50

*Gifts will be bonus cards from unclaimed teams or whatever else happens to accumulate during the year.

Again, it's still very early, so the year won't begin from the date of purchase, but instead the date of full site functionality. I'll even go ahead and apply your discount for early test runs. So this will end up being more than a full year of discounts.

Or if you spread the news and someone buys into one of these on your recommendation, I'll throw a discount or two in your direction as well.

There are going to be some growing pains, naturally. And there are some design elements that need refined. But I'm pretty excited to get this thing going. If you have any interest in either of these options, please feel free to contact me at or If you have any interest in customizing some type of deal similar to above, feel free to contact me about that as well. If you think this is tacky to post this on my blog, well, many apologies.

Box breaks are quite fun, if you've never been in them. Most of you probably have stuck your toes in with the occasional blogger-run one-off break. I hope to make this more than just the occasional treat, but instead, a consistent means to acquire good stuff for your collection.

Oh, and Go Reds.

1 comment:

  1. I am very interested in the first deal. Email me at
