Friday, February 13, 2015

Vintage Air Brushing

Hey, you know what? Deadlines are rough. I get it. You send photographers out to get some photos of a thousand players, then a hundred of em get shipped to another team. You can't keep up. Someone  at Topps eventually said, "Hey let's just air brush the correct colors on the uniform! I'm so smart!" This was soon followed by, "Well ok, but let's make sure whoever does it doesn't really have any artisanal experience with the medium. It'll save us like fifty bucks I think." The back and forth continued with, "Ok, I'll do it, but can I sometimes choose a random hat color that is not related to the team in question?" "Well duh."

So here we be. I dug out some of my favorite vintage Reds 'brushes. Enjoy. The Jim Qualls at the end is an all-timer, by the way.

Go Reds.

1 comment:

  1. I particularly like the ones where they had to airbrush the red sleeves.
