Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wiener Week! - Day 3

Kahn's is a meat processing and distribution company, famous for their hot dogs, founded and based in Cincinnati. They started making baseball cards in 1955 and continued into the late 1960's, focusing mostly on the Reds. In 1987 they re-introduced a Cincinnati Reds team set and have been producing a Reds set every year since. In honor of Kahn's, the Reds, and wieners, I proudly present an entire week dedicated to most phallic of foods and its Freudian presence in my collection.
Day 3 -2004
A little better design on this issue than the first two I posted. The previous "designs" were just RED. I'm partial to black and red as a design as it was my grade school/high school colors. Speaking of, I had a job in my youth in my hometown at a car wash frequented by Danny Graves. Also, nice Griffey.

Tim Hummel racked up 194 at bats for the Reds, garnering very few cards. Kahn's was quick to give some love to a lot of minor players on the roster. Like that Larkin dude in the middle.

Holy crap. Todd Van Poppel. Man, he was supposed to be the next Nolan Ryan back in the day. Pretty stoked to have THE ONLY Reds card of him. Oh yeah.

And to close 'er out, Kahn's, in a bold move, went with TWO coaches cards. Check out the star power. Randy Whisler. Mark Mann. Definite investment potential.

Great wieners. Go Reds.

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